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Admin: Composite Definition

Admin: Composite Parameters

Composite Parameters appear in a Composite Shortcode definition with a prefixed “at-sign”, and in a Composite Shortcode instantiation without the “at-sign”.

There is one list of user defined Composite Parameters shared by all Composite Shortcodes defined.  However, not every Composite Parameter need be used by every Composite Shortcode.

In the calling convention, Composite Parameters share the namespace of the Post metadata (postmeta).  Therefore, Custom Parameter names must be unique with respect to all WordPress Post metadata names and with respect to all Post metadata names defined in any plugin currently in installed.  In the WordPress database, Composite Parameters share the namespace of the Blog metadata (options) in a “single Blog” or “Blog 1” installation, and with the MultiSite Network metadata (sitemeta) for a MultiSite Network installation.  Therefore, Custom Parameter names must also be unique with respect to all these WordPress  metadata names and with respect to all these metadata names defined in any plugin currently in installed.

Enter all of the user-defined parameters (without their “at sign”) as a comma-separated list.

List of Parameters (text)

Composite Parameter Default Values

A default value must be specified as null for the absence of a parameter in the Composite Shortcode instantiation to have the unique effect of an absent parameter in the included shortcode.

Default values may be:

  • null
  • Integer
  • “Quoted String”
  • @Automatic_String
  • @@Custom_Field
  • @@Post_Meta_Data
  • @@Blog_Meta_Data
  • @@Site_Meta_Data
Parameter Name Parameter Default Value (button)
Parameter (display) Value (text)
Parameter (display) Value (text)
Parameter (display) Value (text)
Parameter (display) Value (text)
Parameter (display) Value (text)
Parameter (display) Value (text)
Parameter (display) Value (text)
Section 7-8-1